Sonic Heroes Game free full version

Sonic Heroes Game free download

Sonic Heroes Game free download

Sonic Heroes pc game

Sonic Heroes pc game

Sonic Heroes pc game
Downloads > PC > Windows Games > Sonic Heroes - PC Edition PC
From Sega comes one of our favorite old school mascot platformers--Sonic. But in Sonic Heroes this time around. Much maligned for twitchy controls, and spastic camera on the PC (but you can say that for allot of PC ports), I thought that while both could have stood refinement, the complaints of these found in other user reviews was pretty overstated. The camera did become a problem in a handful of instances, but you can pan it around, or zoom in and out, so that makes up for it somewhat. In Sonic Heroes, you choose from one of four three character teams (though you must complete the game with all 4 teams for total game completion). The general idea is that regardless of which team you play, all team members have more or less the same ability. In each team consisting of 3 members, one character focuses on speed, one on power, and one on flying. For my money ($15.00) this isn't a terrible game. The graphics look pretty good, and the game supports fairly high resolution for all you with fast video cards. The game engine is packed with all sorts of high tech doo-dads like colored lighting, some pretty nice fog and particle effects, antisotropic filtering, and anti-aliasing. The levels seem imaginitive colorful, and well thought out and designed with a pretty decent diversity of environments. The game supports rumblepads, and doesn't force you to switch between using your gamepad, and keyboard/mouse at the menus (a biggie for me since I play the game on my TV using a gamepad)--all game commands are accessible from, or can be mapped to your gamepad if you intend to use one.The game introduces several new gameplay elements. Unlike most Sonic games, where players control one character, three characters are available at any time to choose from, as the player may switch the party's leader freely, whilst the other two characters follow.[2] Each character has an individual ability — speed for fast stages, power for breaking objects, or flight for reaching high platforms — and the player must use these abilities to traverse the fourteen stages.[2] Each ability is also represented in the interface by color; blue for speed, yellow for flight, and red for power.[3] By acquiring certain items or reaching checkpoints, characters can level up, increasing their efficiency when used against enemies. Each team also has a Team Blast skill, which can be performed when the Team Blast meter becomes full, and this can be achieved by performing such actions as destroying enemies or collecting rings.[2] By collecting a key hidden within each level and reaching the end of the level without getting hit, players can enter the Special Stage. In these stages, the player must run through a tube collecting colored orbs containing boost and avoiding bombs in order to catch a Chaos Emerald before it reaches the end of the tube. Chaos Emeralds are shared amongst all characters, and collecting all the emeralds, as well as clearing the game with all four teams, unlocks the last story.
Sonic Heroes Game!
File Size:220MB
System Requirements!
Windows Xp,7,Vista,8
Ram: 256 MB
Video Memory: 32 MB
Cpu: 800MHz
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